Irrespective of industry sector, or specific business domain area; it is possible to characterise common business value imperatives under the following broad set of headings:
- Business Model Innovation
- Business Agility
- Reduced Time to Market for new Products and Services
- Operational Effectiveness and Efficiency
- Cost Reduction
- Customer Service Optimisation
- Product and Service Innovation
- Partner integration and on/off-boarding
- New Customer Acquisition and On-boarding
- Know Your Customer (upsell, cross-sell, and Next Best Action marketing)
- Conversion of Customers to Net Promoters
- Business Process Standardisation and Optimisation
- Knowledge Worker Productivity
- Management of known/unknown Business Process variations
- Omni-channel access for customers, partners, employees
- Employee Engagement
In focusing effort, investement and resources on specific change programmes the above considerations must to a greater or lesser extent be managed simultaneously in order to optimise business outcomes.